The future of dredging

Zero Emission Intelligent Dredgers. ROHR-IDRECO designs and manufactures premium quality deep digging electric dredging vessels and equipment for the mining and dredging industries, and dam desiltation.


Sand & Gravel

We have a great deal of knowledge and understanding of dredging equipment for over sixty years.

Abrasive materials

Wet Mining

We are uniquely equipped to serve coal, iron ore, gold, diamond, copper and oil sands mining companies.

Extraction and transport


Our dredgers are equipped to extract and transport recoverable material from tailings to a processing plant.

Desilting maintenance


Our dredger experience provides turnkey solutions for all desilting maintenance for dams.

Get in touch


Do you want specialist advice about how our products can be used for your application? Get in touch with one of our experts!

  • Remko Groen

    General Manager

  • Alex Simons