An interesting position
“Administration is actually a very interesting function, because it has interfaces with everything. Purchasing, sales, logistics, and so on. Flows of money and goods can be found everywhere. I especially like the contact I have with so many departments. It’s really versatile teamwork.
Additionally, arranging things gives me energy. Within administration, there are many regular processes. If we get them all in order in time, it gives a feeling of great success. Since my arrival here, I have also initiated a number of improvement processes. I find it very rewarding if processes improve as a result.”

At home in the company
“Working at ROHR-IDRECO is fantastic. This is partly due to the team, the nice colleagues. Not to forget, the international aspect. This entails a fascinating exchange of cultures, languages and ways of working and thinking.
Moreover, we work on real products. It is nice to see the development of such a process. Recently, I went to a harbor with my wife on a Wednesday afternoon to view a completed dredger. Those are beautiful moments, in which you get to see what we are all about.”
Always active
“Aside from my work, I also get satisfaction from long runs (10–20 km) with a group, or even with my supervisor when we are together. My grandchildren give me energy as well, it is fantastic how they always live in the moment!”